The Child in You

Image‘Let her try out this part’ the Co-ordinator said as she signalled to me to sing a line of one of the famous songs we were rehearsing back then in primary school. 

I stepped forward and barely opened my mouth to sing when she started shaking her head vigorously indicating that my voice was not good enough. 

‘No, never mind’ she said and called up someone else to take the part. 

I felt crushed but soon waved it aside and sang with the rest of the Choral group. That incident was soon forgotten and I kept singing in the Choir. In fact, I sang all through my Primary school days and my Secondary School days. you could always count on me to be present at the Choir Rehearsals. 

Just like the child I was then, I forgot all about it. I wasn’t discouraged, neither did I take offence and leave the Choir. It was not until later on in life that I remembered that incident and I told myself that if that same thing had happened to me as an adult, that would most likely have been my last day singing in public, ever!

Well, that’s the difference between a child and an adult. Children don’t bear grudges, they don’t remember a wrong done (unless they were maybe traumatized).

Children do not know limits! The little child of a supposedly average income earner can confidently tell you that his daddy will buy him a brand new car, he doesn’t understand poverty. 

Children do not know fear, they are actually taught fear by the adults around them and the conditioning of the society. A child is never afraid to try out something new or to learn something new.

Children are firm believers in themselves, a little child believes that he or she can become anything, ranging from Pilot to President. Nothing is impossible to them as far as they are concerned. I remember quite well, that the bible says that all things are possible to him that believes.

Children love unconditionally and they trust infinitely! They can be friends with anyone and they can give you one of the most heart warming smiles and hugs ever!

What then happens to the children as they grow? Where does the unbelief come from? Where does the fear creep in from? How does the self doubt come in? What about the discouragement? A child does not know failure, he is taught failure by the people around him!

What has become of the child in you? It’s time to let go of all those hurts, the anger, the disappointment, the self doubts, the fear…

It’s time to believe again. Believe in yourself, believe in God, believe that you can and that you will! Do not let anyone talk you down, because you can’t talk a child down, they would simply let it slide off and keep going.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matt 19:14)

Go to him today, he will make a success out of you and it doesn’t matter how old you are.

Happy Children’s day! God bless you!



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18 Replies to “The Child in You”

  1. This is a well written piece,its a true reflection of an unfortnate transition from our childhood to adulthood and we keep on wondering @ what point the derail started? Anini for some of us who still remember him may have wanted to be anything but a criminal as a child, that your kith or kin yes the one that just came to your mind had his/her own aspiration as a child and even us reading this wonderful piece by our sis. -is our life a true manifestation of our childhood dream and aspiration? We cannot be kids again(though will give it a thaugt if faced with that option) but we can reflect on our lives as where impossibilities was never an option ,envy lasts less than a minute,where you can call the now pastor, the now jealous neighbour, the now wicked lecturer,feel free to fill in yours and anybody that shared a sugard cake was a very true friend.
    MCkinney Tx


  2. First let me say that I love your blog Title. Talk about inspiring, you definitely deserve this award, I loved this post and several others I’ve read today. To be nominated by you for this award is an honor. Thank you. I look forward to reading and sharing more of your blog to inspire others as well.


  3. Hiii. Thanks for your contribution towards making my blog what it is. Please accept my nomination for the VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD. Please visit my blog for details. Congratulations 🙂


  4. Where’s the “Love it!” button when you need one? As a musician and vocalist, you’ve struck a nerve here. In fact, on the wall in my music room I’ve written “The Heart of a Child” as a reminder to quit over-thinking music and enjoy the gift God has given me with all the abandon of a child. Great post!

    Praise Jesus!

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